The Long Rein Immersive

Bacchus, PRE stallion, Spanish Trot, Riendas Largas
The Long Rein Immersive is a grand opportunity to experience and learn the feel of correct, classical work in the long reins performed in lightness.
Learn the four main classical principles, and how to apply them for the development of the horse.
Develop the knowledge of how various exercises help build the horse up physically and mentally, and their benefits for rehabilitation.
Learn appropriate tack, fitting of tack, safety, and body positions. Long rein work is based off of communication through subtle body language and positions.
Long rein work heightens the Horse-Human Bond and connection through trust.
The Immersive is not about doing movements or saying I can piaffe or passage; The Immersive is about using the long reins to effectively and systematically develop each individual horse through the classical principles, and the exercises which are the summation of those principles.

Ritmo de Susaeta, son of Elite Stallion, Impacient II, Riendas Largas
Note: As of Summer 2024, There is a restructuring of the Immersive from 3 days to 2 days to preserve the well-being and willingness of the horses used for the Immersive!
The Long Rein Immersive consists of 2 days of instruction in Riendas Largas.
One participant/student per month. Each month, weather permitting in the winter months, one student will be scheduled for individual work for 2 days. If there is a waiting list, an application procedure will apply.
The incredible stallions of Willow Creek Stud are used for teaching the Immersive.
Students are able to feel the correct work using advanced level horses, brilliantly schooled to teach the feel of lightness and work through the mind, thought, and heart.
Two lessons per day, a morning session, and an afternoon session are given. Lessons are no more than 45 minutes per lesson, and sometimes less, but very intense. After lessons, students may watch quietly other work of horses. Lots of auditing and learning opportunity!
The basic schedule is as follows:
Day 1 has a focus on walk work, utilizing principles of equilibrium, strength in suppleness, straightness (lateral work in walk, squares, voltes, piaffe, passage, Spanish Walk).​ Learning and utilizing lateral work (work on the square, voltes, shoulder in, travers, renvers, reverse pirouette, half pass)is practiced.
Day 2 has a focus on transitions (walk, trot, canter, halts, reinback, counter canter, piaffe, passage).
The number one priority is safety of horse and participant.
Participant will be paired with horses designed to teach specific lessons and principles.
If you want to learn to do movements, this is NOT for you. This is about teaching feel, teaching the ability to think and utilize the Classical Principles through the exercises to develop the horse.
Any force or unjust treatment to a Schoolmaster horse will be grounds for immediate removal of the participant from the program without a refund.
The horses are very well trained in all lateral work in walk, trot, canter; they perform piaffe, passage, Spanish Walk, Jambette, canter pirouettes, and flying changes.
A degree of physical fitness is recommended. Additionally, the facility does sit at altitude, at approx. 6,700'. Be prepared by being able to walk or hike quickly, jog if needed, and maintain good balance while coordinating hand, eye, and foot movements. Good, comfortable walking/hiking/running shoes are a must, gloves, and a helmet are suggested items.
Cost: $1,500. A $250 non-refundable booking fee is required to secure your time and month, and this is part of the $1,500.
Lodging and meals are not provided, but there are several nearby excellent options.

Meet Your Instructors

Ritmo de Susaeta, PRE stallion by Elite Impaciente II, Advanced Riendas Largas.

Bacchus, PRE stallion, by Navarre GF, Advanced Riendas Largas
Finale WCS, PRE Stallion, by Elite Doblon-TR, Medium Level Riendas Largas.

Universal la Devesa, PRE Stallion, by Inedito, Advanced Riendas Largas.

Sevillano WCS, PRE Stallion, by Obcecado, Advanced Riendas Largas

SW Victorio (Judio), PRE Stallion by Judio VII, Medium Level Riendas Largas

Marinero Brillante, PRE stallion, by Armas Zarzeno, Advanced Riendas Largas

Jocoso LXXI, PRE Stallion by Fuego de Cardenas, Advanced Level Riendas Largas
SW Adiaha, by Atrevido Mango, Basic Level Riendas Largas.
Available Dates

February: Dependent on weather
March: 15-17 Filled!
April: 26-28 Filled!
May: 17-19 Filled!
June: Filled
July: Filled
August: Filled
September: Filled
October: Filled
November: Available, early Nov.
December: Dependent on weather