Sev's G3 Ulcer Formula

Developed by an equine veterinarian, Sev's G3 Ulcer Formula is designed to aid in the treatment and prevention of Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS).
Designed to TREAT, not just prevent and provide maintenance, for gastric ulcers.
The Ulcer Formula targets three areas of concern:
-The Non-Glandular portion of the stomach
-The Glandular portion of the stomach
-The Hind Gut
All natural ingredients.
This special blend of ingredients is designed to protect damaged mucosal tissue, and to heal it. It is also designed to prevent gastric ulcers.
There is no rebound effect, such as seen consistently with acid suppression and Hydrogen pump blocking/inhibiting medications.
No adverse side effects, even with long-term administration.
Human food grade quality ingredients! No grains, fillers, preservatives, additives.
Active Ingredients: a proprietary blend of Marshmallow Root Powder, Slippery Elm Bark, Sea Buckthorn, Apple Pectin, Sunflower Lecithin, Fennel, L-Glutamine, Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium Carbonate, Alltech Yea-Sacc 1026 Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Directions for Use: Based on the average 1,100-1,200 pound adult horse:
1. Maintenance, Prevention, and Treatment for mild to moderate ulcers: Top dress soaked beet pulp and/or alfalfa pellets with 6 Tablespoons of powder twice daily.
2. Treatment of moderate to severe ulcers: Top dress soaked beet pulp and/or alfalfa pellets with 12 Tablespoons of powder twice daily.
3. Critical: 12 Tablespoons with added water in a syringe given orally 2-3 times daily.
4. NOT FOR USE IN PREGNANT MARES; If your mare is pregnant or you plan to breed her, we specially formulate a product that can be used in pregnant mares.
5. Often, if ulcers are severe, for treatment, we use a combination of the maintenance dose (6 TBSPs) twice daily with a twice daily administration of Sucralfate am and pm (for an average 1,100-1,200 pound horse, 10 grams or 10,000 mg of Sucralfate; ten 1 gram tablets crushed with water added and some molasses in a syringe, given orally) twice daily an hour before or after food.
Horses prone to ulcers or who have them should not be fed grain or grain products in their diet. We recommend using soaked beet pulp or alfalfa pellets (or both together, preferably). 1/4 cup of corn oil may be added. Wet the powder to help it bind to soaked feed if necessary. To improve initial palatability and to adjust the horse's GI system to the ulcer formula, slowly introduce it over the course of 7-10 days, beginning with 1-2 TBSPs. Most horses readily take to it, but if not, add a small amount of molasses, apple sauce, etc. until they acquire the taste for the formula. Horses crave it once they acquire the taste.
Feed horses quality forage in small amounts several times daily, or with nibble nets. Minimize stress. It's all part of the Formula for SevSuccess in combatting Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome.
Scoop is not included with product.
At maintenance dose, approximately 4-6 week supply.
At moderate/severe treatment dose, approximately 21 day supply.
Store in a cool, dry place, and keep well sealed to preserve freshness. This product is intended to aid in the treatment and prevention of gastric ulcers in horses, and is not a replacement for feed, veterinary care, or to treat other health conditions. Always provide access to fresh, clean water. Consumers should read all labels and follow directions exactly as written for optimal results. Consult with your veterinarian prior to use if your horse is receiving medications or has other health conditions. This is a natural product designed to support, heal, and maintain the GI system of the horse; allow 30 days minimum to see results. However, results are often seen within a few days of administering 6 TBSPs twice daily. This product is not intended to treat colic or replace veterinary care and examination.
Cost Comparisons and Breakdowns
Calculations are based on giving the treatment dose of Sev's G3 Ulcer Formula for 3 weeks, followed by 3 weeks of maintenance dose, and the full treatment of Gastrogard. Gastrogard is typically given at 1 full tube once daily for 28 days, then one half tube for 28 days, and then I typically taper more with 1/4 tube for another 28 days.
There is no question that when treating for gastric ulcers, and in preventing them, the cost is tremendous, and increasing. This product also upon first glance appears expensive. Here are some comparisons between Sev's G3 Ulcer Formula and Gastrogard.
Price for Sev's G3 UF with shipping included (in USA) at a severe treatment dose for three weeks is $109.98/week, which is $15.71/day.
Price for Gastrogard based on $35/tube is $735.00 for 3 weeks of treatment (21 days) which is $245.00 per week, or $35.00 per day.
A maintenance dose of Sev's G3 UF typically lasts 4-6 weeks. At 6 weeks, this is approx. $55.00 per week and $7.86/day.
A 3 week severe/critical treatment dose of Sev's G3 UF is $329.95 for 3 weeks; then, another 3 weeks of the formula at maintenance dose is $165.06, for a total of $495.01 for 6 weeks of treatment (including shipping).
With Gastrogard at current approx. price of $35.00 per tube, 6 weeks of treatment (which is 4 weeks at 1 tube, and 2 weeks at 1/2 tube) costs $1,225.00. A full treatment of Gastrogard with tapering for a full 4 weeks at 1/2 tube, and another 4 weeks at 1/4 tube (and you will STILL have a rebound effect after this), the cost is $1,715.00.
Keep these numbers in mind when deciding what to use to treat EGUS with your horse. Also, consider that no matter how much you taper GGard or other acid inhibitors, there will be a rebound effect. Additionally, long term administration of these products has been shown to alter the microbiome and gut flora. Whether this poses a clinical problem, is yet to be determined.
I will gladly provide consultation on EGUS for you and your horse. If your horse is lacking in performance, picky about feed, leaves his/her feed and then returns, shows symptoms of colic, has intermittent diarrhea, is girthy or demonstrates behavioral problems while grooming and tacking up, is not in front of the leg, exhibits defensive behaviors when ridden, bucks, rears, bolts, is spooky or spookier than normal, and refuses to really go forward with impulsion, gastric ulcers could be a component of the problem. It is past time to start listening to your horse; it is time to take a proactive step toward finding the root causes of resistance and discomfort. Treat your horses; treat them to the gift of a smooth, comfy tummy, and be a part of The Formula for SevSuccess with Sev's G3 Ulcer Formula!!!! Celebrate the Horse-Human Bond!
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