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Classical Riding Immersives

Immerse yourself into all that is for the good of the horse...

Marinero Brillante, PRE stallion

  • Classical Riding Immersives are custom designed for the serious rider's needs and learning goals. They are centered around learning and utilizing the four main Classical Principles in the work with the horse. The lessons may include work in hand, long rein work, ridden work, doma vaquera, starting the young horse classically, alta escuela, and other topics.


  • The Classical Riding Immersives are 2 days of Intensive instruction. This includes two lessons per day, a classroom session, as much auditing of the work with other horses in training as the student wishes to attend, and a Q & A session at the end of the day from auditing. The classroom session will be on one topic the Instructor chooses, which in general will include discussion of the classical principles, and the other sessions on a topic of interest from the student. Please advise ahead of time your topics of interest.


  • PRICE: Price includes all instruction and board for 1 horse. Owner is to provide their own hay and feed, and is responsible for feeding and caring for their horse. Rider housing is NOT provided. There are nearby hotels and lodging options. There are two tiers of pricing as follows:


      1. 2 days of instruction with your horse: $1,500,

      2. 2 days of instruction with one lesson on your horse, and one              LONG REIN only (no ridden) with a Willow Creek Stud horse:              $2,000. 




These considerations are provided as information given that Willow Creek Stud is a working horse ranch, training, and breeding center. The following guidelines are necessary to protect the horses of Willow Creek Stud as well as incoming client horses (your horse(s)). Time is important given the training schedule of stallions and outside client horses.


1. Lessons will be no more than an hour, and may, if it is deemed appropriate in timing as reward for the horse, be less than an hour.

2. Lessons will start promptly and end on time, no later than an hour from starting. 

3. Please be ready and warmed up for your lesson at the prescribed times. 

4. The classroom session will run first thing in the morning at 8:00am, and be approximately 45 minutes. This is also a good time to ask questions from the previous day's lessons.

5. It is suggested to keep a journal or notebook to write down thoughts and questions, particularly if you are auditing the work of other horses.

6. It is important during the work of other horses to not interrupt the work; note down any questions you may have so that you may ask them at the end of the day. 

7. Entering pens of stallions and horses at  Willow Creek Stud is not allowed without prior permission, nor is handling of any stallions or horses in training owned by WCS clients.

8. Nose to nose contact of your personal horse with horses of Willow Creek Stud is not permitted.

9. Please be aware and mindful at all times that while the stallions at Willow Creek Stud are very well behaved, it is important to keep your horse away from their stalls and runs for your safety and that of your horse. 

10. Designated wheelbarrow and manure fork are available for cleaning your horse's pen/stall. 

11. You are responsible for the feeding and watering of your horse, as well as cleaning the stall/pen.  

12. This Opportunity is for you to immerse and learn as much as possible; you will get what you put into it.


CANCELLATION/REFUND POLICY: if you cancel an Immersive 7 days prior to scheduled date, a full refund minus the non-refundable deposit will be provided. If an Immersive is cancelled 48 hours before scheduled date, 50% of the cost of the Immersive will be refunded. If an Immersive is cancelled at 24 hours or less notice, no refund will be given. If Willow Creek Stud cancels an Immersive, a full refund will be provided.









Universal la Devesa, PRE Stallion

Universal la Devesa

Marinero Brillante, PRE Stallion

Marinero Brillante

SW Ojala, PRE mare owned by Sleeping Willow Ranch

If you are ready to step through the door and take your learning of classical riding to the next level, developing a deeper connection and trust with the horse, then contact Dr. Elizabeth (Bessie) Babits to book your Immersive at: or (575) 779-2466.

La Iglesia de Santa Rosa de Lima

de Abiquiu, circa 1734

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