Babits Equine Consulting

Dr. Babits is available for equine consulting on a range of topics pertaining to equine behavior, nutrition, movement, podiatry, training, facility design, equine management, equine facility management, equine health care, stallion management, and other equine-related topics. She is available to consult on specific topics such as classical dressage, the arts of work in hand and long reining, doma vaquera, alta escuela, and garrocha. If you are looking to purchase a horse, and would like Dr. Babits to review information in regards to morphology, movement, photos, video, or radiographs of the horse, she is available to do so. As a PRE aficionado, she can readily answer your questions regarding the PRE horse.
Dr. Babits will not provide veterinary diagnosis or treatments. A valid Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship must exist with a specific patient, and regular patient visits be in place in order to consult over veterinary-specific topics relating to an individual equine or patient she regularly visits.
Payment for consultations must be paid prior to the consult. You can click on La Tienda/The Store.
PRICE: $75 for 30 minutes
$125 for 45 minutes
Consultations, once scheduled and payment is completed, may be via phone or Zoom. Consultations are accepted from 9am to 4pm MST, M-F.
Dr. Babits will not respond to questions asked on Facebook Messenger seeking advice.
Contact Dr. Babits for a scheduled consultation via the following methods:
Phone: 575-779-2466
Via the Contact button below